The piece of program Srtm2Osm uses SRTM elevation model from NASA to produce countour lines in OSM format.

Does it use the SRTM1 at 30m or SRTM3 at 90m?

  • 2
    Welcome to GIS:SE @Vincenty! From the link you gave, it is mentioned in the Limitations section: "Currently the tool only supports SRTM3 data." Although I can't confirm this as in the Things Still To Do section, it is mentioned that there were plans to support SRTM1 data...
    – Joseph
    Commented Jun 28, 2017 at 10:05
  • 2
    Thanks, well spotted! I believe contour lines would be much nicer with STRM1 with no voids
    – Vincenty
    Commented Jun 28, 2017 at 10:42


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