Hey I am in the middle of a project and I suddenly realized that my layer is projected somewhere else on the globe. After some experimentation I've realized that this is because the program translates lng for lat. I really don't understand why is that, but at the same time I need to solve the issue ASAP, as time is running out.
Case: [37.994, 24.75906] is being read as [24.75906, 37.994]
I have used the e.latlng method to acquire the data so it really puzzles me that the GeoJSON reads coordinates in reverse.
Edit: OK it turns out that this is a known issue of conflicting standards. Now the issue remains: How can I quickly resolve this since I already have hundreds of JSON [y,x] couples? Last resort for me will be regex but I would like to avoid it.
Do you have any ideas on how to solve quickly the issue? I have hundreds of data like that.
Note: if you know this to be a duplicate please leave a comment and I'll delete the question.