I am currently working with the Hansen data (Global Forest Change) in Earth Engine. I have also imported a fusion table representing districts in a specific country. My goal is as follows:
I would like to create a table which aggregates deforestation data for each district in the feature table. For example, a given district ('feature') should eventually have the following associated properties: sum of gained forest area for each year, sum of lost forest area for each year, and base year tree cover. Once all of those are gathered, I plan to export the data.
I have figured out how to do this for one year, but the problem is I can't figure out how to iterate over years without doing everything manually. I am also not entirely sure whether my filtering actually gives me the year that I expect, as I copied the filtering from an example in the tutorials.
Here is some of my current code, which aggregates the tree cover for each district, and adds a 'loss' property to that feature collection:
//Load and filter the Hansen data
var gfc2014 = ee.Image('UMD/hansen/global_forest_change_2015').select(['treecover2000','loss','gain','lossyear']);
//add country districts as a feature collection
var distr = ee.FeatureCollection('ft:1U7sXFHXtxQ--g7XMeXlvPhNXPBcDtPg8Yzr2pvsg', 'geometry');
//look at tree cover, find the area
var treeCover = gfc2014.select(['treecover2000']);
var areaCover = treeCover.multiply(ee.Image.pixelArea());
var lossIn2001 = gfc2014.select(['lossyear']).eq(1);
var areaLoss = lossIn2001.multiply(ee.Image.pixelArea());
//need to check that .eq(1) is actually returning data for
var gainIn2001 = gfc2014.select(['gain']).eq(1);
var areaGain = gainIn2001.multiply(ee.Image.pixelArea());
var districtSums = areaCover.reduceRegions({
collection: distr,
reducer: ee.Reducer.sum(),
scale: 100,
//This function computes pixels lost for each district
var addLoss = function(feature) {
var loss = areaLoss.reduceRegion({
reducer: ee.Reducer.sum(),
geometry: feature.geometry(),
scale: 100
return feature.set({loss2001: loss.get('lossyear')});
// Map the area getting function over the FeatureCollection.
var areaLosses = districtSums.map(addLoss);
I have looked to the following pages for help, but unfortunately neither appears to answer my question:
- Using reducer over space and time in Google Earth Engine?
- Computing ndvi 10 yr. time-series from fusion table features using Google Earth Engine?
This is my first time working with geographic data so the data structures are not intuitive to me yet.