I have created a table, dc_crimes, that has eight columns. I would like to fill the geom column with point data created from the lat and long column. The syntax I used to create the table is:
CREATE TABLE tmorr.dc_crimes
gid serial NOT NULL,
shift character varying(80),
method character varying(80),
offense character varying(80),
ward character varying(80),
latitude numeric,
longitude numeric,
geom geometry(Point,102285)
I then inserted data from a previous table. Syntax used:
INSERT INTO tmorr.dc_crimes (gid,shift,method,ward,latitude,longitude)
SELECT gid,shift,method,ward,latitude,longitude FROM tmorr.dc_crimes_v
This is where I am a bit lost. I tried to update the dc_crimes table and use the ST_MakePoint syntax to create points. Syntax used:
UPDATE tmorr.dc_crimes SET geom = ST_MakePoint(longitude, latitude);
This returned an error:Geometry SRID (0) does not match column SRID (102285) SQL state: 22023
So I tried to set the geometry SRID using this syntax:
SELECT UpdateGeometrySRID('dc_crimes','geom', 102285);
This also gave me an error: ERROR: column not found in geometry_columns table CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function updategeometrysrid(character varying,character varying,character varying,character varying,integer) line 36 at RAISE SQL statement "SELECT UpdateGeometrySRID('','',$1,$2,$3)" PL/pgSQL function updategeometrysrid(character varying,character varying,integer) line 5 at SQL statement
********** Error **********
ERROR: column not found in geometry_columns table SQL state: P0001 Context: PL/pgSQL function updategeometrysrid(character varying,character varying,character varying,character varying,integer) line 36 at RAISE SQL statement "SELECT UpdateGeometrySRID('','',$1,$2,$3)" PL/pgSQL function updategeometrysrid(character varying,character varying,integer) line 5 at SQL statement
I believe I need to put values in the ST_MakePoint() but I am not sure which points.