I've been working on a small plugin recently and I wanted to add a progress bar to it, since there are tasks in this plugin that take some time to complete. I looked at this and this, but so far I've encountered a problem which I can't seem to solve.
Whenever I run the plugin without moving it to another thread, it runs perfectly fine, everything works (but the GUI is unresponsive for a short while). But when I move the worker (the python class that does the heavy lifting) to another thread, suddenly, I can't seem to add the QgsVectorLayer (which is a memory layer) to the iface.LegendInterface anymore. Everything else still works fine, but the layer just does not show up in the legend in QGIS. So far, this is my code, I've left out the specific methods and imported code, since that all works if I don't move it to a thread (so I figure that can't be the problem):
# import some modules used in the example
from PyQt4 import QtCore
from qgis.core import *
from qgis.gui import *
import utility_functions as uf
import traceback
class Worker(QtCore.QObject):
def __init__(self, iface, data, layer, plugindir, outfile):
self.iface = iface
self.data = data
self.layer = layer
self.plugindir = plugindir
self.outfile = outfile
self.killed = False
self.PathLayer = None
finished = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object)
error = QtCore.pyqtSignal(Exception, basestring)
progress = QtCore.pyqtSignal(float)
layerCreated = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object) # tried for debugging, does not work
def run(self):
ret = None
# Create edgelist
edgelist = self.selectEdges()
# Select features on layer and copy to new layer
features = self.selectFeatures(edgelist, self.layer)
Everything works perfectly fine up until here. In the method 'createNewLayer', the memory layer should be (1) created using QgsVectorLayer
, and (2) Loaded using QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(layer)
# Apply layer style
if not self.PathLayer:
lyr = uf.getLegendLayerByName(self.iface, 'Path')
lyr = self.PathLayer
if self.killed is False:
ret = 1
except Exception, e:
# forward the exception upstream
self.error.emit(e, traceback.format_exc())
But somehow, the moving to another thread messes with the layer and it can't be added. What's even weirder: I can see the layer when I type into the QGIS python console: QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayers()
. So I'm guessing that the way QThreads work, messes up the QgsMapLayerRegistry
OR the iface.LegendInterface
I'm working on macOS Sierra, QGIS 2.14, but I've also tried the plugin on a W10 machine, QGIS 2.18, same problems.