Are there any complete, public, styles in Mapbox-GL/JS format that use Mapzen's vector tiles? The only one I can find is Mapzen's own effort but it doesn't look like much effort has gone into it, it's ugly, and it's very incomplete. It doesn't even have road labels.

(There are, of course, several Mapzen styles for Tangram, but that's not what I need.)

2 Answers 2


Here is the best example I know of https://github.com/lukasmartinelli/tilezen-gl-style

You can customize it in Maputnik, an open-source mapbox-gl style editor http://maputnik.com/ Launch the Maputnik editor, click Open then scroll down to find the Tilezen style.

You may also want to consider using tiles from https://openmaptiles.org/ They provide a wider range of default styles for their data schema. The styles are all open-source, so you could convert them to Mapzen's schema with a bit of work.

  • Yes, that's the same style as the one I referred to as "Mapzen's own effort". It's better than nothing, but the colours are pretty ugly, and it only has a pretty basic range of features. No POIs, no road labels, not even any railways. I'm definitely looking at OpenMapTiles - their styles look really good. Maybe I should make a tool which can convert styles between the three schemas: Mapbox, Mapzen, OpenMapTiles. :) Commented Aug 17, 2017 at 1:04
  • 3
    Ok, I did it. github.com/stevage/portable-vector-style Commented Aug 17, 2017 at 12:00
  • Thats awesome! I'll try it out. Commented Aug 17, 2017 at 18:26

We recently ran into this same problem so we handwrote our own mapbox styles that work with tilezen's vector tiles. They are MIT licensed and can be found on github here

They are much more complete than Mapzen's own effort and they work correctly with mapbox style spec v8 and the latest GL JS version (v0.44.1). Apollo Bright is a classic-ish looking style, Zen is continuation of the color scheme in Mapzen's own effort and Toner is a look a like of Stamen's Toner style.

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