This is my situation:
I have a table A in schema A which includes personal data. I want to give specific persons the permission to see some data from that table in QGIS, excluding that personal data. Therefore I have a view B of table A in Schema B which doesn't include the columns of the personal data. The problem is that I want the person to edit two columns in that view. So I created a trigger for this view and gave permission to the person to update these two columns in it. However, I also need to give him permission to the table A. My problem is now that the person is able to access table A in Schema A as he needs the permissions to update the two columns. Because that person doesn't know anything about the structure of the database, this might be fine as he would not know that there is a table behind that view. However, when connecting to the database in QGIS he can also see schema A and is able to load the table A.
Perhaps there is a way to limit the acces to table A in the backend. But for now it would be enough when the schema A could be hidden in QGIS. Is that possible? Or does anyone has a better idea for a solution?