I have a shapefile of points that has a field of yield data from harvesting. I am trying to 'smooth' the data by taking each point and collecting all points within 50ft and then update the shapefile with the average of the 50ft. circle. The end goal is that I want a shapefile with every point having a field that contains the average yield of all the other points within 50ft.
Unfortunately python isn't my main programming language and I'm just learning about gis.
The code below is working, but I'm not satisfied with it. What is a performant way to find all points within a given radius of another point, and then do that for every point in the file?
The outliers_r
is a field on the shapefile where I cleaned up some of the outliers in the data.
The yield_smoo
is the field I want updated with the average yield.
from osgeo import ogr
import fiona
import pyproj as proj
from shapely.geometry import shape
from shapely import geometry
#open the file
source = ogr.Open("2017_wheat_yield_data.shp", update=True)
layer = source.GetLayer()
fc = fiona.open("2017_wheat_yield_data.shp")
fc_2 = fiona.open("2017_wheat_yield_data.shp")
crs_wgs = proj.Proj(init='epsg:4326')
crs_bng = proj.Proj(init='epsg:3420')
for feat in fc:
coords = feat["geometry"]["coordinates"]
x, y = coords
x1, y1 = proj.transform(crs_wgs, crs_bng, x, y)
point_1 = geometry.Point(x1, y1)
yield_data = []
for feat_2 in fc_2:
coords_2 = feat_2["geometry"]["coordinates"]
x_2, y_2 = coords_2
x2, y2 = proj.transform(crs_wgs, crs_bng, x_2, y_2)
point_2 = geometry.Point(x2, y2)
distance = 50
# circle_buffer = point_1.buffer(distance)
# if circle_buffer.contains(point_2):
# print('circle buffer contains point 2')
if point_1.distance(point_2) < distance:
data = feat_2["properties"]["outliers_r"]
# sum the yields
average_yield = sum(yield_data) / float(len(yield_data))
id = int(feat["id"])
fture = layer.GetFeature(id)
fture.SetField("yield_smoo", average_yield)