I'm a complete newbie to this GIS stuff, but I've attempted some due diligence as follows -
It being election season I'm after shapefiles for the NZ electorates, however I'm just after a map of the land areas, not one that includes the marine margins (12 mile limit?), as the latter don't really look like the country, and how many fish vote anyway.
Related stuff I've found would include
- Various administrative areas, but not general electorates, at http://www.diva-gis.org/gdata
- General election shapes including marine areas, for example at http://m.stats.govt.nz/browse_for_stats/Maps_and_geography/Geographic-areas/digital-boundary-files.aspx
- That same page (and elsewhere) has NZ coastline maps without electoral areas.
In theory I could clip (2) against (3), but after looking around a bit I couldn't figure out how to do that with the likes of ogr2ogr.
My output target is GeoJSON in d3.