I am having issues with what seems to be a very simple spatial query with a sub-query in Spatialite. I am trying to find all the buildings (poly) that intersect with a service area (poly), but only buildings that have a specific subtype code and with stories greater than a value (see query below). I am assuming it is a syntax error, but cannot seem to figure it.

SELECT b.pkid, b.subtype, b.stories
FROM bldg AS b, service_area AS a
  (SELECT b.subtype, b.stories
   FROM bldg
   WHERE subtype IN ('x', 'y', 'z') AND stories > 16)
WHERE ST_Intersects(b.geometry, a.geometry)


Query execution error on CREATE TEMP VIEW _tview AS SELECT b.pkid, b.subtype, b.stories
FROM bldg AS b, service_area AS a
  (SELECT b.subtype, b.stories
   FROM bldg
   WHERE subtype IN ('x', 'y', 'z') AND stories > 16)
WHERE ST_Intersects(b.geometry, a.geometry): 1 - near "(": syntax error


Query to select desired subtype and buildings > 16 stories enter image description here

ST_Intersects query - buildings and service area (buildings shorter than 16) enter image description here

I did get the following query to work, but its not a subquery and not the most optimal:

 SELECT b.pkid, b.subtype, b.stories
 FROM bldg AS b, service_area AS a
 WHERE ST_Intersects(b.geometry, a.geometry) AND b.subtype IN ('x', 'y', 'z') AND b.stories > 16
  • What results do you actually get and what where you expecting? Can you show a sample of the data in bldg and service_area? Use something like SELECT stories, subtype, AsEWKT(geometry) FROM bldg WHERE stories > 16 LIMIT 5 and SELECT AsEWKT(geometry) FROM service_area LIMIT 5 and put those into the question.
    – BradHards
    Commented Aug 12, 2017 at 4:45
  • When I run the query it results in an error. What I am expecting is two things: 1) only buildings that have a story > 16 and have a subtype code of x, y or z 2) the results from 1 (sub-selection) that intersect with the service area Commented Aug 12, 2017 at 5:18
  • What error? We can't see your screen, and we know you are deep in it, but please help us to help you. Also, where did subtype_de come from, and where is the geometry information I asked for?
    – BradHards
    Commented Aug 12, 2017 at 7:27
  • @BradHards I added images with the two specific queries that you requested. I also added the error. The subtype_de, which I fixed, is the actual column name. I cleaned the column names, table names, and attributes to be cleaner and easier to read. Commented Aug 12, 2017 at 13:35

1 Answer 1


You are missing a "," in your FROM before "("


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