I am new of pgrouting.

I have created a new network using osm2po with both edges and nodes. Everything works fine, and I have tested the system using the Pgrouting Layer plugin for QGIS but I have noted that I am not able to use a table of POI that are not intersecting my network. POI, edges and nodes

I am not able to figure out how to add these POI as nodes, is there any easy way to solve this? I have already checked the workshop manuals and other discussions, but it seems to me that they don't explain how to do this operation, or, better, I understand that the POI should be on the edge in oder to split the lines before to create the table with the nodes, but if I have a table with hundreds of POI (e.g. all the bar/pubs in a city), and all these points are not in the edge, is there a way to fix it automatically?

Using QGIS 2.99 I see that there are some interesting tools for network analysis, if I try the shortest path algoritm using my table of POI I have this resultenter image description here

I would like to reach the same result using Pgrouting.

Is it possible?

2 Answers 2


You could use the ST_Closespoint function in PostGIS on your POIs before generating the network.

Here is a similar question: How to connect points (bus stops), which don't lie on the lines (LINESTRING), to a network?

  • 1
    Thanks Ylka,I have created a new "POI" table using ST_Closepoint and it works. Now, following your instructions, I should to split the lines with the new POIs and than I just simply to re-run the command for the topology. I'm going to try it immediatly. Thanks a lot Commented Aug 18, 2017 at 13:21

You could use one of the withPoints function to start routing from a POI. The withPoints functions are not officially released yet, but they will be in the next release probably.

See this summary page about the concept with some network diagrams: http://docs.pgrouting.org/2.4/en/withPoints-family.html#withpoints

The with points family of function give you the ability to route between arbitrary points located outside the original graph.

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