I'm currently working on a large dataset of roads. In which i have to check if the roads in 1:250 000 have the same road number as those in 1:50 000. Because of alot of generalization I have to make a radius serch in 1:250 000 to be sure i have gotten the road into the spatial join. For this to work, i used field mapping parameter "join" with "," as a delimiter. Since this doesen't work with numbers, I converted the field to text.
The problem I'm having now is that I cannot select specific numbers from the new field. It will only work on the first, so when i try to check if the road number from 1:250 000 is equal to 1:50 000 it will only go through the 1st number in the column and not the rest that follows after the comma delimiter. Does anyone have any idea how i might check all the numbers that has been converted to text, against one specific number?