I'm interested in displaying data in Leaflet from PostGIS, and would particularly like to have my data as GeoJSON when passing to Leaflet. I can currently do this via:
# set connection
conn <- dbConnect("PostgreSQL",user="postgres",password="pass",port=5432,dbname="postgis_user")
# set query and reproject to EPSG:4326 for GeoJSON creation
# (the real query is more involved with a bounding box etc)
qry <- "SELECT ST_Transform(table.geom, 4326) as geom FROM table"
# i then read as an sf object
pols <- st_read_db(conn, query=qry, geom="geom")
# and convert to GeoJSON
pols.js <- geojsonio::geojson_json(pols)
This is definitely reasonable for smaller datasets, but the bulk of processing time is in the conversion of simple features to geoJSON - geojsonio::geojson_json(pols)
How then do i extract geoJSON directly from PostGIS? And i presume this has to be done as a FeatureCollection? my attempts and reading have not got me to a solution:
attempt 1: simplistic ST_AsGeoJSON
qry1 <- "SELECT ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Transform(geom,4326)) FROM table"
pols1 <- dbGetQuery(conn,qry1)
## no error messages but no display in Leaflet (incorrectly constructed geoJSON i assume, returned as a data.frame)
attempt 2: building featureCollection as per this answer
qry2 <- "SELECT json_build_object(
'type', 'FeatureCollection',
'features', json_agg(
'type', 'Feature',
'id', gid,
'geometry', ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_ForceRHR(st_transform(geom,4326)))::json,
'properties', jsonb_set(row_to_json(table)::jsonb,'{geom}','0',false)
FROM table"
pols2 <- dbGetQuery(conn,qry2)
## hangs and errors: "DETAIL: Cannot enlarge string buffer containing 1073740688 bytes by 3167 more bytes."
attempt 3: another try as per this answer:
qry3 <- "SELECT row_to_json(f) As feature
FROM (SELECT 'Feature' As type,
ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Transform(l.geom, 4326))::json As geometry,
row_to_json((SELECT l FROM (SELECT id, 'l' AS type) As l))
As properties
FROM table As l) As f"
pols3 <- dbGetQuery(conn,qry3)
## this gives a similar output to attempt 1 above but gives a warning "RS-DBI driver
## warning: (unrecognized PostgreSQL field type json (id:114) in column 0)", which
## i'm guessing is bcos i've got the syntax wrong.
Can i return geoJSON directly from PostGIS in R without having to convert a spatial feature?
in your first try? That seems like the obvious way. Maybe you just need to paste the data frame together with newlines or something?