It is not very comfortable to do, but the following is the required syntax for that textbox (I write it in several lines only for the sake of clearness):
{'expression': u'type the expression here',
'length': <type the length>,
'type': <code of the type>,
'name': u'type the field name here',
'precision': <type the precision>}
For example (remeber to use curly brackets):
{'expression': u'"FLAG1"+"FLAG2"',
'length': 20, 'type': 6,
'name': u'FLAG1',
'precision': 5}
You need to write as many lines like the one above as the number of input fields, separated by commas. For example, if your layer contains three fields:
{'expression': u'"FLAG1"+"FLAG2"', 'length': 20, 'type': 6, 'name': u'FLAG1', 'precision': 5}, {'expression': u'100*"FLAG2"', 'length': 20, 'type': 6, 'name': u'FLAG2', 'precision': 5}, {'expression': u'"100-"FLAG2"', 'length': 20, 'type': 6, 'name': u'FLAG3', 'precision': 5}
and it should work (it worked for me).
Please note that you may avoid to use this dictionary-oriented syntax and directly use the required values. For example, with reference to the first example, you may simply use:
{u'"FLAG1"+"FLAG2"', 20, 6, u'FLAG1', 5}
If you don't use this syntax, the following error will be shown:
Missing parameter value: Fields mapping (row 1)