I´m trying to upload geoTIFF files to GeoNode 2.6.3, installed in Ubuntu 16.04. When I try I get this error:

Could not save the layer layer_name, there was an upload error: Error while storing uploaded file::Unable to create /usr/share/geoserver/data/data/geonode/layer_name

It used to work in GeoNode 2.4, and the geoTIFF files I´m uploading are the same ones I had in 2.4 version. I tried the upload from the web portal interface and from the QGis plugin "Geoserver-explorer". Had same error in both cases. What could be the problem?

edit: add parts of geoserver.log

2017-10-19 15:26:19,059 ERROR [geoserver.rest] - No such datastore: geonode,landsatcr_3_re8_58
2017-10-19 15:26:19,060 ERROR [geoserver.rest] - 

2017-10-19 15:26:19,078 ERROR [geoserver.rest] - No such coverage store: geonode,landsatcr_3_re8_58
2017-10-19 15:26:19,078 ERROR [geoserver.rest] - 

2017-10-19 15:26:19,096 ERROR [geoserver.rest] - No such wms store: geonode,landsatcr_3_re8_58
2017-10-19 15:26:19,096 ERROR [geoserver.rest] - 
  • Did you see the geoserver log for more details about this error?
    – geoA
    Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 18:23
  • I edited the question adding fragment s of geoserver.log Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 19:50

1 Answer 1


I solved it. It was a misconfiguration in the GeoNode REST role service. This link helped me find the error

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