I have two rasters of different resolution and extent:
> res(Elevation)
[1] 0.002083333 0.002083333
> res(Ann_precip)
[1] 0.008333333 0.008333333
> extent(Elevation)
class : Extent
xmin : -15.07722
xmax : -7.641806
ymin : 7.193611
ymax : 12.67694
> extent(Ann_precip)
class : Extent
xmin : -15.075
xmax : -7.641667
ymin : 7.191667
ymax : 12.675
My question is, in order for these two rasters to have matching resolutions and extents, is it better to:
A) use the raster::aggregate
> 0.008333333/0.002083333
[1] 4
Elevation_res<-aggregate(Elevation, fact=4, fun=mean)
and the raster::extend
Elevation_res<-extend(Elevation_res, Ann_precip, values=NA)
(although here I still get different but very similar extents and resolutions):
> res(Elevation_res)
[1] 0.008333333 0.008333333
> res(Ann_precip)
[1] 0.008333333 0.008333333
> res(Elevation_res)==res(Ann_precip)
> extent(Elevation_res)
class : Extent
xmin : -15.07722
xmax : -7.635556
ymin : 7.193611
ymax : 12.67694
> extent(Ann_precip)
class : Extent
xmin : -15.075
xmax : -7.641667
ymin : 7.191667
ymax : 12.675
b) use the raster::resample
Elevation_res<-resample(Elevation, Ann_precip, method="bilinear")
> res(Elevation_res)==res(Ann_precip)
> extent(Elevation_res)==extent(Ann_precip)
[1] TRUE
I'm asking this because I've read in Wegmann et al (2016) (p110) (if I understand correctly) that resampling greatly affects pixel values, and that aggregate()
and crop()
should be used instead.
Since differences in resolution and extent are quite small in my case, can I assume that bias created by resampling would be minimal here?