I want to calculate the surfaces deforested every year for every protected area in Democratic Republic of the Congo. I am building from the script provided as answer by Rodrigo Principe in reply to this similar question. But this example used a private shapefile loaded in assets. When I try to reproduce this solution with a public dataset (in-land protected areas in DRC, so my question somehow completes the official GEE tutorial on quantigfying deforestation in DRC), it doesn't work : output "areas" remain desesperatelly empty. The code bellow is the same as proposed by Rodrigo Principe, except the lines marked with an"// EDIT" comment. Does anyone knows how to fix it?
// Load and filter the Hansen data
// EDIT : The source in following line has been updated to load v1_3
var gfc2014 = ee.Image('UMD/hansen/global_forest_change_2015_v1_3')
// list for filter iteration
var years = ee.List.sequence(1, 14)
// turn your scale into a var in case you want to change it
var scale = 100
//add country districts as a feature collection
// EDIT: loads public source+filters inland protected areas in DRC
var distr = ee.FeatureCollection('WCMC/WDPA/current/polygons');
// Filter to keep only inland PA in 2 countries
var distr = distr.filter(ee.Filter.and(
ee.Filter.eq("ISO3", "COD"),
ee.Filter.eq("MARINE", "0")));
//look at tree cover, find the area
var treeCover = gfc2014.select(['treecover2000']);
var areaCover = treeCover.multiply(ee.Image.pixelArea())
// total loss area
var loss = gfc2014.select(['loss']);
var areaLoss = loss.gt(0).multiply(ee.Image.pixelArea())
// total gain area
var gain = gfc2014.select(['gain'])
var areaGain = gain.gt(0).multiply(ee.Image.pixelArea())
// final image
var total = gfc2014.addBands(areaCover)
// Map cover area per feature
var districtSums = areaCover.reduceRegions({
collection: distr,
reducer: ee.Reducer.sum(),
scale: scale,
var addVar = function(feature) {
// function to iterate over the sequence of years
var addVarYear = function(year, feat) {
// cast var
year = ee.Number(year).toInt()
feat = ee.Feature(feat)
// actual year to write as property
var actual_year = ee.Number(2000).add(year)
// filter year:
// 1st: get mask
var filtered = total.select("lossyear").eq(year)
// 2nd: apply mask
filtered = total.updateMask(filtered)
// reduce variables over the feature
var reduc = filtered.reduceRegion({
geometry: feature.geometry(),
reducer: ee.Reducer.sum(),
scale: scale,
maxPixels: 1e9 // EDIT : added to allow large areas
// get results
var loss = ee.Number(reduc.get("arealoss"))
var gain = ee.Number(reduc.get("areagain"))
// set names
var nameloss = ee.String("loss_").cat(actual_year)
var namegain = ee.String("gain_").cat(actual_year)
// alternative 1: set property only if change greater than 0
var cond = loss.gt(0).or(gain.gt(0))
return ee.Algorithms.If(cond,
feat.set(nameloss, loss, namegain, gain),
// alternative 2: always set property
// set properties to the feature
// return feat.set(nameloss, loss, namegain, gain)
// iterate over the sequence
var newfeat = ee.Feature(years.iterate(addVarYear, feature))
// return feature with new properties
return newfeat
// Map over the FeatureCollection
var areas = districtSums.map(addVar);
Map.addLayer(areas, {}, "areas")