I have a plugin for QGIS that helps to populate databases. The user has the option to create a new database or to use an existing connection. If the user chooses to make a new database, I would also like to add this database as a new connection in the browser panel :

enter image description here

I can find lots of help on connecting to the database, which I have been able to do, but nothing for how to add a new connection. Is this possible?

3 Answers 3


I figured it out myself in the end. The database connection information is stored in PyQt4.QtCore.QSettings().

Using this page: http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt4/pyqt_qsettings.html

I was able to add all of the required properties & credentials to the connection list.

  • is passing sensitive credentials such as password safe in this case ? Commented Dec 28, 2018 at 15:48
  • @AbhijitGujar the credentials are stored as plain text in the QGIS configuration file itself, which is not secure, but it requires that a user has already saved the connection and explicitly stated to do so. I think there is a clear warning popup in QGIS that advises against doing this for sensitive connections.
    – wfgeo
    Commented Jan 4, 2019 at 11:55

Since a few versions of QGIS (at least QGIS 3.16 for this API), there is a proper API for adding a database connection, without touching to the QgsSettings.

uri = QgsDataSourceUri()
uri.setConnection("HOST", "5432", "DATABASE", "USER", "PASSWORD")

config = {
  "saveUsername": True,
  "savePassword": True,
  "estimatedMetadata": True,
  "metadataInDatabase": True,

metadata = QgsProviderRegistry.instance().providerMetadata('postgres')
connection = metadata.createConnection(uri.uri(), config)
connection: QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection
connection.store("new name")
# iface.browserModel().reload()

It's possible to use these intermediate variables :

For instance, it's possible to have the QgsDataSourceUri from a layer directly.

I'm not sure why some settings need to be a string or a proper boolean, the result is somehow different.


Faced the same case. If someone is looking for a complete solution here is a sample for adding a PostgreSQL:

settings = QSettings()

settings.setValue('PostgreSQL/connections/your_connection_name/host', 'host_name')
settings.setValue('PostgreSQL/connections/your_connection_name/database', 'database_name')
settings.setValue('PostgreSQL/connections/your_connection_name/username', 'user_name')
settings.setValue('PostgreSQL/connections/your_connection_name/password', 'password_name')
settings.setValue('PostgreSQL/connections/your_connection_name/port', port_number)
settings.setValue('PostgreSQL/connections/your_connection_name/allowGeometrylessTables', 'false') 
settings.setValue('PostgreSQL/connections/your_connection_name/authcfg', '')
settings.setValue('PostgreSQL/connections/your_connection_name/dontResolveType', 'false')
settings.setValue('PostgreSQL/connections/your_connection_name/estimatedMetadata', 'false')
settings.setValue('PostgreSQL/connections/your_connection_name/geometryColumnsOnly', 'false')
settings.setValue('PostgreSQL/connections/your_connection_name/projectsInDatabase', 'false')
settings.setValue('PostgreSQL/connections/your_connection_name/publicOnly', 'false')
settings.setValue('PostgreSQL/connections/your_connection_name/savePassword', 'true')
settings.setValue('PostgreSQL/connections/your_connection_name/saveUsername', 'true')
settings.setValue('PostgreSQL/connections/your_connection_name/service', '')
settings.setValue('PostgreSQL/connections/your_connection_name/sslmode', 'SslAllow')

iface.mainWindow().findChildren(QWidget, 'Browser')[0].refresh() # if connection is needed to be displayed immediately in browser

Params after port are from my connection setting and not set by default.

  • May is using QgsSettings() an option to be consistent with the QGIS documentation. Commented May 22, 2023 at 9:52
  • @Cartographer sorry, I can't understand what you mean Commented May 22, 2023 at 15:14
  • 1
    He is saying to use QgsSettings instead of QSettings : settings = QgsSettings()
    – etrimaille
    Commented Jun 13, 2023 at 9:50
  • 1
    For refreshing the browser in the graphical interface, your line can be replaced with iface.browserModel().reload()
    – etrimaille
    Commented Jun 13, 2023 at 9:52

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