I'm trying to extract the raster value of the nearest pixel for a group of points.

I want the value for each point rather than the mean for example. Also, some of the points are in masked areas, hence the nearest pixel value.

//import Pekel data
var gsw = ee.Image('JRC/GSW1_0/GlobalSurfaceWater');
var change = gsw.select("change_abs");

var p1 = ee.Geometry.Point([89.74319458007812,22.076065830651526])
var p2 = ee.Geometry.Point([89.87743377685547,22.0827468707419])
var p3 = ee.Geometry.Point([89.95536804199219,21.943622724707772])
var pts = ee.FeatureCollection(ee.List([ee.Feature(p1),ee.Feature(p2),ee.Feature(p3)]))

// Constants

var VIS_CHANGE = {
    palette: ['red', 'black', 'limegreen']

// Map Layers

//Change in water intensity
  eeObject: change,
  visParams: VIS_CHANGE,
  name: 'occurrence change intensity', 
  shown: true

Map.addLayer(pts, {'color': 'blue'}, 'points'); 

1 Answer 1


You can compute the distance to the nearest unmasked value, buffer the points by that much, and then reduce within each buffer. Something like this:

var distance = change.fastDistanceTransform().sqrt().multiply(ee.Image.pixelArea().sqrt()).rename("distance")
pts = distance.reduceRegions(pts, ee.Reducer.first().setOutputs(["distance"]))
  .map(function(f) {
    var distance = ee.Number(f.get('distance'))
    f = ee.Algorithms.If(distance, 
        f.buffer(distance.add(30), 1),
    f = ee.Feature(f)
    return f.set(change.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.mean().unweighted(), f.geometry(), 30))

You buffer by 1 extra pixel to make sure the buffer hits something; for the pixels that have a distance of 0, you skip the buffer step. Unweighted mean reducer will take any fraction of a pixel it encounters without normalizing by the fractional portion.


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