I have a workflow to eliminate small polygons within a layer and merge them with adjacent polygons. My input is the result of a polygonization of a raster (has no overlaps) and it has one field "class".


enter image description here

In the first step I loop over all features and if a polygon is of class 0 (blue), and is too small, i change its class to a suitable neighbour.

enter image description here

Next I dissolve the features, according to their changed class values.

enter image description here

As you can see, the blue areas are dissolved successfully, however the island in the middle appears to have changed value. Actually there are now two polygons laying on top of each other there, a light green one, and the original one. The light green basically filled a hole during the dissolve process. This happens only for a couple of polygons, and not all of them.

Here's the code to change the values of the polygons:

def KFB_for_1_class (input, field_, c, area_threshold):
    feats = []
    dis_temp = r"z:\dis.shp"

    layer = iface.addVectorLayer(input,"","ogr")

    layer_cpy = iface.addVectorLayer(input,"","ogr")

    print "cleaning class "+str(c)
    for f in layer.getFeatures():
        if f[field_] == c and f["area"] < area_threshold:            
            org_int = f[field_]
            candidates = []
            for f2 in layer_cpy.getFeatures():
                if f.geometry().touches(f2.geometry()):
                    if f2[field_] not in candidates and f2[field_] != org_int:

            if len(candidates) >0:
                f[field_] = candidates[0]
            for i in (candidates):
                if abs(org_int - i) <= abs(f[field_] - org_int):
                    f[field_] = i
                    f["area"] = area_threshold + 1


            print "feature " +str(f["id"]) + " changed from " + str(org_int) + " to " + str(f["int"])

    print feats


To dissolve I use this:

processing.runalg("qgis:dissolve", input, False , "class", dis_temp)

What I tried:

Both did not work. The different tools all ended up creating the same error.

How can I resolve this?

  • You should paste more of your code snippet. It's difficult to tell anything or try to reproduce your workflow there...
    – gisnside
    Commented Sep 29, 2017 at 13:33
  • Are you able to confirm there was only a single polygon present the source data within the problem area? Shot in the dark, sometimes I try save as new shapefile and then run the process again on a new file. This method has cleared up some interesting challenges, the odds are similar to roulette.
    – user92055
    Commented Sep 29, 2017 at 13:49
  • @gisnside I added the code that alters the values in the class field. Commented Sep 29, 2017 at 14:02
  • @user92055 I am able to confirm, that both in the original data (polygonization of raster) and in the altered dataset (see code above), only 1 polygon is present. Only after the dissolve there appear to be 2. Commented Sep 29, 2017 at 14:05
  • 1
    Is it possible you have multipart feature involved somewhere ? Have a try single-partying your data (Multipart to singleparts in QGIs processing window) before working your data out
    – gisnside
    Commented Oct 1, 2017 at 21:50


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