I am attempting to create a function to use a search cursor and associated list to get the unique values of a specified field and then use that list of unique values to loop through each value, create a where_clause with that unique value, and then use a search cursor to sum the field values in a target field for the queried results. Currently I am trying to get area(acreage) values with this measurement.
import arcpy
#User provides workspace, feature class, field to search by and desired
field to sum together
def search_test(workspace,inFC,searchField,targetField):
arcpy.env.workspace = workspace
fields = [searchField,targetField]
#List to store values
unique_field_attributes = []
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(inFC,fields) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
if row[0] not in unique_field_attributes:
print "unique attributes: ",unique_field_attributes
Here everything runs fine, I get a nice ordered list of attributes. The problem occurs when I try to use a search cursor inside of a for loop.
for attr in unique_field_attributes:
swhere_clause = """{0} = {1}""".format(arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(
print swhere_clause
When I do not have the search cursor after this in my program, it prints all of the where clauses correctly. However, when I add the search cursor it only prints the first where clause and I get a Runtime Error
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(inFC,fields,swhere_clause) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
#Attempt to sum an area value
area += row[1]
Error looks like this:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "SearchTest.py", line 24, in search_test
for row in cursor:
RuntimeError: an invalid SQL statement was used. [file name here]
Any help or suggestions?
area += row[1]
? If so, your script is ineffective from a few respects and there are better ways of doing this.