I have an image (RGB) with a lot of NaN pixels (black) and I want them to have no color for visualization on a map.
My raster is derived surface reflectance values from Sentinel 2. After atmospheric correction I stacked the blue, green and red band in R and exported the rasterStack (.tif) to ArcGIS Pro for making a map of the RGB raster on a basemap.
I have added a basemap that cannot be seen due to the black color and when I click the pixels I also see that they have No Data (nan)
But I cant seem to get rid of the black color. When I look in Symbology, background and NoData already is set to No Color. When I try to change the color of No Data, it has no effect.
How can I make my black NaN pixels no color/transparent using ArcGIS Pro?
Edit: I have added a picture showing the edge of my raster against the basemap, and the information I get when I click a black pixel.