I'm trying to extract values from an ImageCollection to a series of points. My goal is to create a pandas dataframe that includes the values from each image & band of the ImageCollection for each point.

I'm using google earth engine & python in a docker, run on my local machine (using the set-up described here): https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/python_install-datalab-local

My approach is to:

  1. Create FeatureClass with a few points

  2. Import ImageCollection, bound by the above points

  3. Create an initial pandas dataframe

  4. Create function (extract_point_values) where an image and pandas dataframe are the inputs. Values of image are extracted over FeatureClass/points, and values are put into a pandas dataframe. This pandas dataframe is appended to the one that was inputted into the function.

The issue is in the "extract_point_values" function and how I'm iterating over the imageCollection. Is it possible to return a pandas dataframe using the iterate function on an imageCollection? If so, any ideas as to what might be going wrong?

apt-get update -y

apt-get install -y -q python-dev python-pip libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev zlib1g-
dev libffi-dev libssl-dev

pip install geopandas
pip install shapely


import ee, datetime
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
from IPython.display import Image
from matplotlib import dates
from shapely.geometry import shape
import skimage
%matplotlib inline

# ==========================================================================
# Function to Convert Feature Classes to Pandas Dataframe
# Adapted from: https://events.hpc.grnet.gr/event/47/material/1/12.py
def fc2df(fc):
    # Convert a FeatureCollection into a pandas DataFrame
    # Features is a list of dict with the output
    features = fc.getInfo()['features']

    dictarr = []

    for f in features:
        # Store all attributes in a dict
        attr = f['properties']
        # and treat geometry separately
        attr['geometry'] = f['geometry']  # GeoJSON Feature!
        # attr['geometrytype'] = f['geometry']['type']

    df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(dictarr)
    # Convert GeoJSON features to shape
    df['geometry'] = map(lambda s: shape(s), df.geometry)    
    return df

# ==========================================================================
# Function to iterate over image collection, returning a pandas dataframe
def extract_point_values(image, df):

  # Extract values of rasters to points
  image_red = image.reduceRegions(collection=points, 

  # Convert output to pandas data frame
  image_red_pd = fc2df(image_red)

  # Add date variable to data frame
  image_red_pd['date'] = image.getInfo()['properties']['DATE_ACQUIRED']

  df = df.append(image_red_pd)

  return df 

# ==========================================================================
#### Make Points
points = ee.FeatureCollection([
            ee.Feature(ee.Geometry.Point(14.742607, -17.494993)),
            ee.Feature(ee.Geometry.Point(14.715903, -17.450650)),

#### Load Raster
l8 = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC8_L1T').filterDate('2015-01-01', '2015-12-

#### Create Initial Pandas Dataframe
l8_singleImage = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LC8_L1T/LC80440342014077LGN00')

l8_singleImage_red = l8_singleImage.reduceRegions(collection=points, 

l8_singleImage_red_pd = fc2df(l8_singleImage_red)

l8_singleImage_red_pd['date'] = l8_singleImage.getInfo()['properties']

l8_singleImage_red_pd = l8_singleImage_red_pd.drop([0,1])

#### Iterate over image collection
pd_all = l8.iterate(extract_point_values, l8_singleImage_red_pd)

Here's the error that's returned

    EEExceptionTraceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-70-874bf6d3dd39> in <module>()
     67 #### Iterate over image collection
---> 68 pd_all = l8.iterate(extract_point_values, l8_singleImage_red_pd)

/src/earthengine-api/python/ee/collection.pyc in iterate(self, algorithm, first)
    223     with_cast = lambda e, prev: algorithm(element_type(e), prev)
    224     return apifunction.ApiFunction.call_(
--> 225         'Collection.iterate', self, with_cast, first)

/src/earthengine-api/python/ee/apifunction.pyc in call_(cls, name, *args, 
     79       a recognized return type, the returned value will be cast to 
that type.
     80     """
---> 81     return cls.lookup(name).call(*args, **kwargs)
     83   @classmethod

/src/earthengine-api/python/ee/function.pyc in call(self, *args, **kwargs)
     65       to that type.
     66     """
---> 67     return self.apply(self.nameArgs(args, kwargs))
     69   def apply(self, named_args):

/src/earthengine-api/python/ee/function.pyc in apply(self, named_args)
     78       to that type.
     79     """
---> 80     result = computedobject.ComputedObject(self, 
     81     return Function._promoter(result, self.getReturnType())

    /src/earthengine-api/python/ee/function.pyc in promoteArgs(self, args)
    105       name = spec['name']
    106       if name in args:
--> 107         promoted_args[name] = Function._promoter(args[name], spec['type'])
    108       elif not spec.get('optional'):
    109         raise ee_exception.EEException(

/src/earthengine-api/python/ee/__init__.pyc in _Promote(arg, klass)
    208       # A native function that needs to be wrapped.
    209       args_count = len(inspect.getargspec(arg).args)
--> 210       return CustomFunction.create(arg, 'Object', ['Object'] * args_count)
    211     elif isinstance(arg, Encodable):
    212       # An ee.Function or a computed function like the return value of

/src/earthengine-api/python/ee/customfunction.pyc in create(func, return_type, 
     99         'args': args
    100     }
--> 101     return CustomFunction(signature, func)
    103   @staticmethod

/src/earthengine-api/python/ee/customfunction.pyc in __init__(self, signature, 
     36     # The signature of the function.
     37     self._signature = CustomFunction._resolveNamelessArgs(
---> 38         signature, variables, body)
     40     # The expression to evaluate.

/src/earthengine-api/python/ee/customfunction.pyc in 
_resolveNamelessArgs(signature, variables, body)
    143           count += CountFunctions(sub_expression)
    144       return count
--> 145     serialized_body = serializer.encode(body(*variables))
    146     base_name = '_MAPPING_VAR_%d_' % CountFunctions(serialized_body)

/src/earthengine-api/python/ee/collection.pyc in <lambda>(e, prev)
    221     """
    222     element_type = self.elementType()
--> 223     with_cast = lambda e, prev: algorithm(element_type(e), prev)
    224     return apifunction.ApiFunction.call_(
    225         'Collection.iterate', self, with_cast, first)

<ipython-input-70-874bf6d3dd39> in extract_point_values(image, df)
     34   # Convert output to pandas data frame
---> 35   image_red_pd = fc2df(image_red)
     37   # Add date variable to data frame

<ipython-input-70-874bf6d3dd39> in fc2df(fc)
      5     # Convert a FeatureCollection into a pandas DataFrame
      6     # Features is a list of dict with the output
----> 7     features = fc.getInfo()['features']
      9     dictarr = []

/src/earthengine-api/python/ee/collection.pyc in getInfo(self)
    125            properties.
    126     """
--> 127     return super(Collection, self).getInfo()
    129   def limit(self, maximum, opt_property=None, opt_ascending=None):

/src/earthengine-api/python/ee/computedobject.pyc in getInfo(self)
     93       The object can evaluate to anything.
     94     """
---> 95     return data.getValue({'json': self.serialize()})
     97   def encode(self, encoder):

/src/earthengine-api/python/ee/data.pyc in getValue(params)
    253   """
    254   params['json_format'] = 'v2'
--> 255   return send_('/value', params)

/src/earthengine-api/python/ee/data.pyc in send_(path, params, opt_method, 
    795       raise ee_exception.EEException('Invalid JSON: %s' % content)
    796     if 'error' in json_content:
--> 797       raise ee_exception.EEException(json_content['error']['message'])
    798     if 'data' not in content:
    799       raise ee_exception.EEException('Malformed response: ' + 

EEException: Failed to decode JSON.
Error: Field 'value' of object '{"type":"ArgumentRef","value":null}' is 
missing or 
Object: {"type":"ArgumentRef","value":null}.
  • 1
    You've truncated the traceback too much, we can't see which statement in your code is failing.
    – sgillies
    Commented Oct 6, 2017 at 15:39
  • 1
    Just added the full traceback
    – Rob Marty
    Commented Oct 6, 2017 at 15:47

1 Answer 1


Found a solution, by making a list of the scene IDs from the imageCollection and iterating over the list. Then in a loop I import the individual images instead of mapping/iterating over the imageCollection. Probably a more efficient way to do this, but this gets the job done.

# ==========================================================================
# Function to Convert Feature Classes to Pandas Dataframe
# Adapted from: https://events.hpc.grnet.gr/event/47/material/1/12.py
def fc2df(fc):
    # Convert a FeatureCollection into a pandas DataFrame
    # Features is a list of dict with the output
    features = fc.getInfo()['features']

    dictarr = []

    for f in features:
        # Store all attributes in a dict
        attr = f['properties']
        # and treat geometry separately
        attr['geometry'] = f['geometry']  # GeoJSON Feature!
        # attr['geometrytype'] = f['geometry']['type']

    df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(dictarr)
    # Convert GeoJSON features to shape
    df['geometry'] = map(lambda s: shape(s), df.geometry)    
    return df

# ==========================================================================
# Function to iterate over image collection, returning a pandas dataframe
def extract_point_values(img_id, pts):
    image = ee.Image(img_id)

    fc_image_red = image.reduceRegions(collection=pts,

    # Convert to Pandas Dataframe
    df_image_red = fc2df(fc_image_red)

    # Add Date as Variable
    df_image_red['date'] = image.getInfo()['properties']['DATE_ACQUIRED']

    return df_image_red

# ==========================================================================
#### Make Points
points = ee.FeatureCollection([
            ee.Feature(ee.Geometry.Point(14.742607, -17.494993)),
            ee.Feature(ee.Geometry.Point(14.715903, -17.450650)),

#### Load Raster
l8 = ee.ImageCollection('LANDSAT/LC8_L1T').filterDate('2015-01-01', '2015-12-

#### Make list of image IDs
l8_id = []
for f in l8.getInfo()['features']:
  image_id = f['properties']['LANDSAT_SCENE_ID'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')
  image_id = 'LANDSAT/LC8_L1T/' + image_id

#### Create Initial Pandas Dataframe
df_all = extract_point_values(l8_id[0], points)
df_all = df_all.drop([0,1])

#### Iterate over all impages
for i in l8_id:
    df_all = df_all.append(extract_point_values(i, points))

#### Display Results
  • 1
    Good news. It occurs to me that your extract_point_values function has a hidden input, the points you pass to image.reduceRegions. If you make points an explicit argument to the function you may avoid some future bugs.
    – sgillies
    Commented Oct 6, 2017 at 22:31
  • @sgillies great catch - I've updated the code. Thanks for the help!
    – Rob Marty
    Commented Oct 6, 2017 at 23:27
  • @sgillies I try to use this nice piece of code but for line df['geometry'] = map(lambda s: shape(s), df.geometry) I get TypeError: 'Map' object is not callable. Do you know why this error occurs? Commented Aug 28, 2019 at 19:13
  • Ok, my fault... I had signed the variable map before ;) But I ran into another Problem. The line 'df['geometry'] = map(lambda s: shape(s), df.geometry)' makes a map object . I belive it is because of the df.geometry function thats also part of the GEE API? Commented Aug 29, 2019 at 11:10
  • Dear @Tll Kadabra, the map function always returns an iterator in Python 3.*. In order to get the whole list, one must cast the Map object to a list or to an array. Therefore, the problem you encountered is resolved by parsing the following:. df['geometry'] = list(map(lambda s: shape(s)) Commented Feb 2, 2021 at 3:31

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