I'm having trouble to reproject a shape file in Qgis.
The projection is supposed to be "ETRS89 (Ellipsoid: GRS80) 6-Degree Zone 33" and I would like to project it to UTM33N - WGS84 (EPSG 32633). When I set the Layer CRS to EPSG 25833 or EPSG 4258 and save it as UTM33N-WGS84 I don't get the result as intended...
This is the file I would like to reproject: http://www.projektidee.org/images/extern/landschaftsschutz.zip
It should fit to this area in the end: http://www.projektidee.org/images/extern/gebiet_UTM33.dbf.zip
Maybe one of you could give me a hint what I'm doing wrong?