I have a problem stitching tiles together to get a specified resolution from map bounds. Im getting the bounds from a leaflet container using openmaptyles raster as a source.
Tile format : (http://host/styles/dark/{z}/{x}/{y}@4x.png), tiles can be sizes of 256,512,1024
Example Bounds : ( Zoom 13, xMin 4148, yMin 2817, xMax 4150, yMax 2819 )
Now, I need to export an image at a resolution of 8268 x 11811px specifically for print.
Ive looked into using mapnik render_to_file to accomplish this but is it possible to use this source to do it?
The way im doing it now is with a python script which gets the correct tiles from the extent but I cant get the exact resolution im looking for.
I am no GIS expert.