I'm setting up leaflet bookmarks with a server-based bookmarks store as per 'Custom storage(e.g AJAX)' in the Bookmarks documentation (https://github.com/w8r/Leaflet.Bookmarks).
I'm using a perl PUT handler running under Apache and I'm able to save a bookmark just fine into my '/bookmarks/' folder ('204 OK'), the problem is that I can't get a list of boomarks. It always says 'No Bookmarks Yet' - even if I create a new bookmark in the same session.
The bookmark files themselves seem OK with all the required fields. I have verified that I can retrieve the bookmark files with a GET request with no problem.
function getAllItems works OK and gets a json list of filenames from my server like so:-
{ "bookmarks": [ { "file": "filename1" }, { "file": "filename2" }, { "file": "filename3" }] }
Javascript is definately NOT my mother tongue and I'm not sure if the above format is correct or even if reading bookmark files has been fully implemented.