I have two layers in QGIS. One is a shapefile of states in the US. The other is a csv with lat/lon coordinate points, with data at each point.
I want to export a csv from QGIS that has a column that records what state each data point falls in.
For example, let's say I have 4 columns in my csv file. First is location ID, second is Latitude, third is Longitude, and fourth is count (just a number). One of the rows might look like this:
123456, 41.2, -97.3, 4
Since this point is in Nebraska (in real-life and according to my shapefile), I want to have a new column for state, so that the above row would now look like this:
123456, 41.2, -97.3, 4, Nebraska
Is this something I would use 'Join Attributes by Location' for? I'm trying that now, but its suspiciously slow.