MySQL says in the docs for ST_Distance_Sphere
Calculations use a spherical earth and a configurable radius. The optional radius argument should be given in meters. If omitted, the default radius is 6,370,986 meters. If the radius argument is present but not positive, an
error occurs.
PostGIS says in the docs of ST_Distance_Sphere
, (though the docs aren't accurate anymore)
Uses a spherical earth and radius of 6370986 meters.
Where did they get the default 6,370,986 meters from? WGS84 says major-axis radius is 6,378,137.0 m. PostGIS which now uses a Average Radius essentially uses 6371008.
Looking at the code
#define WGS84_MAJOR_AXIS 6378137.0
#define WGS84_INVERSE_FLATTENING 298.257223563
#define WGS84_RADIUS ((2.0 * WGS84_MAJOR_AXIS + WGS84_MINOR_AXIS ) / 3.0)
that means
-- SELECT 6378137.0 - 6378137.0 / 298.257223563;
WGS84_MINOR_AXIS = 6356752.314245179498
-- SELECT ( 2.0 * 6378137.0 + ( 6378137.0 - 6378137.0 / 298.257223563) ) / 3.0;
WGS84_RADIUS = 6371008.771415059833
Newer versions are much less efficient, more complex, and use Pro4j but they seem to do the same thing.
Still where does 6370986 come from?
... though that value for WGS84 is still a few meters larger (6,371,008.771)