I would like to use the automatic vectorization feature in ArcScan to create a centerline (line feature) for each of 20 rasterized polygon features.
Using a bi-color raster (created with polygon to raster tool and 1= foreground, 0= background values), and with centerline vectorization method selected from the ArcScan toolbar, I generated features from the vectorization tab on the ArcScan toolbar (and stored the output in a blank line feature class). However, the output created 3 small line features for only the smallest regions of the rasterized polygons and failed to create centerlines running the full length of my rasterized polygons.
I have read the related Creating Centrelines from Road Polygons/Casings? but did not find sufficient detail to create centerlines with ArcScan
I am using ArcMap 10.4.1 for desktop with an Advanced license and Spatial Analyst and ArcScan Extensions.