I am trying to query records that contain a specific string within a longer string of an attribute table but it is not working. There are a few extra details to the situation.
- DQ is going onto a polygon layer "Parcels"
- "Parcels" is joined to a non-spatial table coming out of an Access DB (MDB)
- DQ is applied to values within the joined MDB fields
Syntax for DQ is:
Roll Detail Extract_1.FIX-LGL LIKE '%Section 80%'
The hope is that the DQ will leave only polygons where the term "Section 80" is in the value for the field FIX-LGL.
I have tested the query on an un-joined version of the "Parcels" layer, using an already existing field on a value I know to exist, and it worked. I also tested the query on a joined version of "Parcels" on the same existing field and it still worked, but when i switch the query syntax to the joined attribute and different value, it finds no records.
Is there something with the join table name or field name that is confusing arcmap, ie. spaces in file name or the "-" in the field name?