I have made a Simple points shapefile with seven points and I would like to be able to query which of these points are contained within the boundary of the raster layer.
SELECT "points inside raster_test".name
FROM "points inside raster_test", myraster3
where ST_Within ("points inside raster_test".geom, myraster3.rast);
I keep getting the following error-
ERROR: function st_contains(geometry, raster) does not exist
LINE 3: where ST_contains ("points inside raster_test".geom, myraste...
^ HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types.
You might need to add explicit type casts.
Do I have to write this query differently because there is a raster instead of another vector layer? I have tried using a vector polygon with the same points and wrote it exactly the same and it has given me the results I have desired.