I have a python script for ArcGIS Pro 2.0.1 that executes the same code with the same data size in a loop. So intuitively the run times of the iterations of the loop shall be about the same. However, each iteration takes more time than the previous (with the growing problem size the times start to double). The only thing that I have found that could explain it is that the memory consumption is always growing (which leads to crushing with the larger datasets). I have worked with a memory profiler and the problem might be with the Delete_management and DeleteFeature_management not releasing the memory.
I have also printed the feature classes contained in the in_memory workspace, and the "deleted" feature classes are not appearing there, but the memory is not released.
How can I manage memory use in arcpy with arcgis pro?
So far all the advise were not to forget to delete in_memory workspace, but this is exactly what does not work for some reason.
Could it be due to the multi-processing in arcgis pro?
The problem happens with this function of mine, the problem starts appearing when I save individually generated lines (points to line) to a temporary file lines_out.
def connect_gabriel_graph(points, diameter_dict, n_inter, n_runs, output_dir):
This function connects the two points (i,j) iff within the d_ij there is no point k, such that
d_ij^2 >= d_ik^2 + d_jk^2, or there is no point k in the radius of d_ij
:param points: points feature class path
:param diameter_dict: all the distances combinations, i.e., {1:{2: 15, 3: 20}, 2: {3: 10}}
:param n_inter: number of points
:param n_runs: run id (number)
:return: path to the created lines
# Create a point layer
points_layer_name = os.path.join('in_memory', 'points_tmp_int{0}_run{1}'.format(n_inter, n_runs))
points_layer = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(points, points_layer_name)
# Get the spatial reference (as in the points)
spatial_ref_in = arcpy.Describe(points).spatialReference
# Create a featureclass to store the resulting links
links_out_name = 'links_int{0}_run{1}'.format(n_inter, n_runs)
all_links_in = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management('in_memory', links_out_name, 'POLYLINE',
# Create a tmp layer to store the current link (defining the path and name)
lines_name = 'lines_tmp'
lines_out = os.path.join('in_memory', lines_name)
points_field_objects = arcpy.ListFields(points_layer)
points_fields = [field.name for field in points_field_objects if field.type != 'Geometry']
# Iterate through all the points with the IDs in the provided range
for i in range(1, n_inter):
# Iterate through all other points
for j in diameter_dict[i]:
# Get the lengths
ij_len = diameter_dict[i][j]
# Iterate though all other points
for k in range(1, n_inter + 1):
# Check that these are not the i and j themselves
if k != i and k != j:
# Get the distance between i and k as we do not have the permutations, we need to pay attention,
# where the distance is stored
if k > i:
ik_len = diameter_dict[i][k]
elif k < i:
ik_len = diameter_dict[k][i]
if k > j:
jk_len = diameter_dict[j][k]
elif k < j:
jk_len = diameter_dict[k][j]
# We define, when to connect (i,j)
if j != n_inter:
# for the normal case the last k will have the id == n_inter_in
threshold = n_inter
# if j == n_inter_in then we can have two cases of the last k
if i == n_inter - 1:
threshold = n_inter - 2
threshold = n_inter - 1
# We check that the connection condition always holds. As soon as the condition is violated,
# the link is dismissed
if math.pow(ij_len, 2) >= math.pow(ik_len, 2) + math.pow(jk_len, 2):
# If we see that it is the last k (the cycle was not brocken before) and the condition holds,
# there shall be a link
elif math.pow(ij_len, 2) < math.pow(ik_len, 2) + math.pow(jk_len, 2) and k == threshold:
# We select the (i,j) from all the points
if "OID" in points_fields:
# Define the SQL expression for the points with the IDs with the range
clause_in = '"OID" = {0} OR "OID" = {1}'.format(i, j)
elif "OBJECTID" in points_fields:
# Define the SQL expression for the points with the IDs with the range
clause_in = '"OBJECTID" = {0} OR "OBJECTID" = {1}'.format(i, j)
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(points_layer, 'NEW_SELECTION', clause_in)
# Create a line between them in a tmp layer
arcpy.PointsToLine_management(points_layer, lines_out)
# Add the Origin and Destination fields
arcpy.AddField_management(lines_out, 'OriginID', 'LONG')
arcpy.AddField_management(lines_out, 'DestinationID', 'LONG')
# Populate the fields with the (i,j) IDs
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(lines_out, ["OriginID", 'DestinationID']) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
row[0] = i
row[1] = j
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(points_layer, 'CLEAR_SELECTION')
# Append the link to the created in this process feature class
arcpy.Append_management(lines_out, all_links_in, 'NO_TEST')