I want to extract every single MODIS 16 Day NDVI and EVI Data image on a particular area from 2000 to 2016. I was able to filter image collection but I do not know how to export every single image on the collection.
Here is my code:
// Area of interest
var AOI = ee.Geometry.Rectangle([93.8, -8.8, 109.9, 6.84]);
// Go to the center of the map
Map.centerObject(AOI, 4 )
// Find MOD13Q1.005 Vegetation Indices 16 Day Global 250 m
var modis = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/MOD13Q1')
// Filter the collection
var image = ee.ImageCollection((modis).filterDate(ee.Date('2000-01-01'),ee.Date('2017-12-31')).filterBounds(AOI));
// NDVI dan EVI
var NDVI = image.select(['NDVI'])
var EVI = image.select(['EVI'])
//Print the image list on console
//Load it into map
I know that my code is too long and not efficient, but it helps me to read and understand it.
Can you help me to write code to export every single NDVI and EVI image on my image collection?