Your field names seem to be linked to CENSUS data (very similar to this file )
@Map_man answer will lead you to the source of your data, to be sure.
See here some metadata that seem to fit :
Attribute Label: ID
Attribute Definition: Unique identifying number for each record.
Attribute Label: STFID
Attribute Definition: Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code. State + County + Tract + Block number
Attribute Label: BLKGRP
Attribute Definition: Block group number.
Attribute Label: TAPERSONS
Attribute Definition: Total 2000 population for a block group.
Attribute Label: TA1RACE
Attribute Definition: Total number of people identifying themselves as being only one race.
Attribute Label: TAWHITE
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as only White.
Attribute Label: TABLACK
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as only Black.
Attribute Label: TAAMERIND
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as only American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut.
Attribute Label: TAASIAN
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as only Asian.
Attribute Label: TAHAWPAC
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as only Hawaiian/Pacific Islander.
Attribute Label: TA1OTHER
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as belonging to a race other than white, black, American Indian, or Asian.
Attribute Label: TA2MRACE
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as belonging to more than one race.
Attribute Label: TA2RACES
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as belonging to two races.
Attribute Label: TA3RACES
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as belonging to three races.
Attribute Label: TA5RACES
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as belonging to five races.
Attribute Label: TA6RACES
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as belonging to six races.
Attribute Label: TNTOTAL
Attribute Definition: Total 2000 population for a block group.
Attribute Label: TNHISPANIC
Attribute Definition: Number of people identifying themselves as Hispanic.
Attribute Label: TNNONHISP
Attribute Definition: Number of people identifying themselves as Non-Hispanic.
Attribute Label: TN1RACE
Attribute Definition: Number of Non-Hispanic people identified as belonging to one race.
Attribute Label: TNWHITE
Attribute Definition: Number of Non-Hispanic people identified as being White.
Attribute Label: TNBLACK
Attribute Definition: Number of non-hispanic people identified as being Black.
Attribute Label: TNAMINAKN
Attribute Definition: Number of non-hispanic people identified as being American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut.
Attribute Label: TNASIAN
Attribute Definition: Number of Non-Hispanic people identified as being Asian.
Attribute Label: TNHAWOP
Attribute Definition: Number of non-hispanic people identified as being Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.
Attribute Label: TNOTHER
Attribute Definition: Number of non-hispanic people identified as being White, Black, American Indian, or Asian.
Attribute Label: TN2MRACE
Attribute Definition: Number of Non-Hispanic people identified as belonging to 2 or more races.
Attribute Label: TN2RACES
Attribute Definition: Number of Non-Hispanic people identified as belonging to 2 races.
Attribute Label: TN3RACES
Attribute Definition: Number of Non-Hispanic people identified as belonging to 3 races.
Attribute Label: TN4RACES
Attribute Definition: Number of Non-Hispanic people identified as belonging to 4 races.
Attribute Label: TN5RACES
Attribute Definition: Number of Non-Hispanic people identified as belonging to 5 races.
Attribute Label: TN6RACES
Attribute Definition: Number of Non-Hispanic people identified as belonging to 6 races.
Attribute Label: ALLAFAM
Attribute Definition: Number of people identifying themselves as being of African American descent.
Attribute Label: ALLAMIND
Attribute Definition: Number of people identifying themselves as being of American Indian descent.
Attribute Label: ALLASIAN
Attribute Definition: Number of people identifying themselves as being of Non-Hispanic descent.