I have two polygon shapefiles representing district boundaries: Districts1 and Districts2.
They are supposed to represent the same geographical area and same district boundaries, but I realized that Districts2 seems to be regularly offset by ~245 feet, whereas Districts1 lines up properly with the Basemap and appears to be correct. The image below illustrates an example of this, where the red shapefile is Districts2, and black is Districts1:
I looked at the projections for the files and for whatever reason, they're different.
This is the information for Districts1:
And this is the information for Districts2:
So the projection information for Districts2 looks fishy to me, but I'm not sure how to fix this... I tried projecting Districts2 into the POSGAR_94 coordinate system that Districts1 uses, but it didn't make any spatial changes. I don't know if the fact that the datum is unknown for Districts2 has anything to do with this. I also tried changing the data frame's coordinate system but that didn't do anything to better line up Districts2 either.
Evidently I'm a bit lost; I've been trying to read up on projections and datums but I can't seem to figure this out.
Edit: Michael Stimson below pointed me to the spatial adjustment toolbar, which did indeed work. However I am still interested in any insight regarding the projection discrepancy and why the shapefiles look the way they do, and specifically how I might interpret the information for Districts2 (there being no datum, the coordinate system just being "Transverse Mercator", etc.)