I am looking to use ogr2ogr
to clip a specific layer (Towns
) from an sqlite/gpkg data source to a bounding box. R is not necessary for running the code below it just makes it reproducible by providing an example dataset. Here is what I've tried:
input_gpkg <- system.file("sqlite/test3.sqlite", package = "sf")
Driver: SQLite
Available layers:
layer_name geometry_type features fields
1 Towns Point 8101 5
2 HighWays Line String 10 2
3 Regions Multi Polygon 10 2
system(paste("ogr2ogr -f 'GPKG' -clipsrc 1077228.72991008 4218298.82092178 1211486.08907174 4469736.19302021 output.gpkg", input_gpkg))
Driver: GPKG
Available layers:
layer_name geometry_type features fields
1 Towns Point 433 5
2 Regions Multi Polygon 1 2
3 HighWays Line String 0 2
I tried setting the clipsrclayer
flag but I get the same result.
system(paste("ogr2ogr -f 'GPKG' -clipsrc 1077228.72991008 4218298.82092178 1211486.08907174 4469736.19302021 -clipsrclayer 'Towns' output.gpkg", input_gpkg))
Driver: GPKG
Available layers:
layer_name geometry_type features fields
1 Towns Point 433 5
2 Regions Multi Polygon 1 2
3 HighWays Line String 0 2
How can I have the output contain only the Towns
layer? I do not want a solution that involves loading the entire Towns
layer into memory because of the possibility that it will involve a huge number of points and kill performance.
See also:
at the end of the command to specify thelayer
? I'm just using ogr2ogr on linux terminal.R
. I've added a tag to give a clue about this.