I have a leaflet map with lots of little circles to mark particular points. When zoomed in, they look great. I can see both the orange fill and the black outline.
When zoomed out, however, I can only see the outline.
Does Leaflet provide a good way to always have both the outline and fill visible, no matter the zoom? I don't want to dynamically resize the layers on a zoom event (a la "change width of outline for leaflet map depending on zoomlevel") because that adds a ton of complexity to my code (there are tons of these circles, zoom changes for a lot of different reasons, etc.). But I can, if that's the only way.
Here's the code where I initialize the layers
const options = {
color: 'black',
fillColor: '#FF802B',
fill: true,
fillOpacity: 0.8,
radius: 100,
weight: 10,
item.layer = L.circle([lat, lng], options)