I have a full OSM import using non-customized osm2pgsql (slim). I need to remove all coastal water from the polygons requested by the user on the fly.
I have imported all water from osm water polygons shapes using shp2pgsql -I -s 3857 -g way water_polygons.shp water_polygons | psql -d gis
, which creates a water_polygons table with 41,000+ rows.
It seems that ST_Difference is the PostGIS function to use, but I'm not sure of the best/most efficient approach.
- Should I merge all the water rows into one row to speed up
, or subtract each water polygon one by one? - I combine several polygons into one. Should I subtract water before combining the polygon, or after?
This is my current code to extract GeoJSON polygons without water subtraction. The polygons are grouped by their Wikidata ID.
ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Transform(ST_ForceRHR(way), 4326)) as data FROM
SELECT id, ST_Multi(ST_Union(way)) AS way
SELECT tags->'wikidata' AS id, (ST_Dump(way)).geom AS way
FROM $1~
WHERE tags ? 'wikidata' AND tags->'wikidata' IN ($2:csv)
) tbl1
) tbl2