Is there any particular way of getting the current zoom level from the map canvas through python code in QGIS environment? I want to convert coordinates of the cursor and the current zoom level into Google Map Tiles coordinates.
3 Answers
Try using this:
import math
maxScalePerPixel = 156543.04
inchesPerMeter = 39.37
zoomlevel = int(round(math.log( ((dpi* inchesPerMeter * maxScalePerPixel) / scale), 2 ), 0))
print zoomlevel
Original code :
Just install tile layer plugin then add an XYZ or TMS reference to the map with the plugin you will get zoom column row information
You may also need to take account of the "tilePixelRatio". Not all retrieved images will be 256 x 256 px. Some may be 512 x 512 px with tilePixelRatio=2 and will thus have a different zoom value. I'm not sure that QGIS takes this into account anywhere.