using QGIS 2.18.1 in Windows 10, what I have is 2 raster files with different cell sizes. raster1 has small cell sizes, and represents land uses (each cell value represent a land Use) and raster2 has bigger cell sizes and represents precipitation values. You can see it from the image:
I need to assign to each cell in raster1, the value of the overlapping cell value of raster2. And in the cases in which a cell in raster1 overlaps with 2 cells in raster2 (A cell between 2 cells of raster2), get the value of the raster2 cell overlapping bigger surface.
I could do this by polygonizing both raters and applying python code to get most predominant values within polygons (like in this question) but I wonder if there's an easier way to do this by using the raster calculator or other raster tools.