I'm processing a formula in QGIS raster calculator and have an error in reasoning.

Having the layers a and b I want to create output layer c under the following conditions:

(1) if a = 1 or b = 1 --> c = 1
(2) if a = 5 or b = 5 --> c = 5, whereas condition (1) should overrule condition (2)
(3) if a + b = 0 --> c = 0
(4) else a + b / (number of layers which are != 0; !=1; !=5

Below is the formula with comments and hopefully readable.

It actually works, but there is a NoData Output for a+b=0.

  • a=1 OR b=1 --> c=1:

        ("a@1"=1) OR ("b@1"=1)
  • a=5, b not equal 1; OR b=5, a not equal 1 --> c=5:

            (("a@1"=5) AND ("b@1"!=1)) OR 
            (("b@1"=5) AND ("a@1"!=1))
  • a=0 and b=0, -->c=0:

        (("a@1"=0) AND ("b@1"=0)) *0
  • a and b not equal 1; 5 --> c= average of a and b, disregarding 0 values:

            ("a@1"!=1)  AND 
            ("b@1"!=1)  AND 
            ("a@1"!=5)  AND 
            ("b@1"!=5)  AND
            (("a@1"!=0) AND ("b@1"!=0))
     ) * 
                (("a@1">=2) AND ("a@1"<=4)) + 
                (("b@1">=2) AND ("b@1"<=4))

What am I missing?

I have a similar question pending for SAGA Raster Calculator, but would prefer using QGIS Raster Calculator.

  • Order of precedence is sufficiently arcane, and varies with language and plarform, that you ought to use parenthesis and indentation and line continuation and comments to make complex expressions as readable as possible.
    – Vince
    Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 11:41
  • hopefully it is better readable now!
    – Kevkev770
    Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 12:18

2 Answers 2


I changed the code a little. Now it works, I think.

    ("a@1"=1) OR ("b@1"=1)

        (("a@1"=5) AND ("b@1"!=1)) OR (("b@1"=5) AND ("a@1"!=1))

        ("a@1"=0) AND ("b@1"=0))

        (("a@1">1) AND ("a@1"<5)) AND 
         ("b@1" = 0)
) +

        (("b@1">1) AND ("b@1"<5)) AND 
         ("a@1" = 0)

                ("a@1">1) AND 
                ("a@1"<5)) AND 
                    ("b@1">1) AND 

With RQGIS, the code is easiest to understand, check this:

##c=output raster
c = stack(a)[[1]]
c[] = -9999 # Temporal NoData value
c[a == 1 | b ==1] = 1 # Rule 1
c[(a == 5 | b == 5) & c !=1] = 5 # Rule 2
c[a + b == 0] = 0 # Rule 3
r = (a + b)/((!a %in% c(0,1,5)) + (!b %in% c(0,1,5))) # Rule 4
c[c == -9999] = r[c == -9999]
c[c == -9999] = NA # Back to NoData

Applied to an example dataset:

enter image description here

enter image description here


enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Note: rasters need to have the same extension and resolution, if not. extend() or projectRaster() functions can be applied

  • this looks very straight forward! What do know need Raster reclass for?
    – Kevkev770
    Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 16:03
  • Raster reclass is the custom name of this script, you can name it as you want
    – aldo_tapia
    Commented Feb 15, 2018 at 16:04

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