As my ALS
dataset is not classified containing overlapping points, I thought a way of using @AndreSilva flightline filtering.
I created a function with the package [lidR][1](2.2.2)
that what it does is to divide the las
file into chunks
, checks if the points in that chunk
come from more than one flightline and if so, filters the point so the most represented flightline remains. It needs a quite small chunk sizes for good results which makes it very slow but maybe there is someone out there that can think in how to make it quicker.
plan(multisession, workers = 12L)
path = "path to folder with data"
ctg <- readLAScatalog(path)
cuts = c(0,3,6,9,12,15,30)
dens0<-grid_density(ctg_1, res = 5) #Calculate for checking
opt_chunk_size(ctg_1) <- 20 # Needs to be small for precission
opt_chunk_buffer(ctg_1) <- 0
opt_output_files(ctg_1) <- paste0(tempfile(), "_{ID}")
myfun = function(cluster)
las = readLAS(cluster)
if (is.empty(las)) return(NULL)
if (length((unique(las$PointSourceID)))>1){ # If there are more than 1 flightline in a chunk:
table <- table(las@data$PointSourceID)#---------------#
table <- sort(table , decreasing=T) #
table <- # Obtain as an INTEGER the
table$Var1 <- as.character(table$Var1) # most represented flightline in a chunk
table$Var1 <- as.numeric(table$Var1) #
most <- table$Var1[1]#--------------------------------#
las <- lasfilter(las, PointSourceID == most) # Only remains most represented flightline
} else {return(las)} # If there is only 1 flightline in a chunk
output <-catalog_sapply(ctg_1, myfun) # Apply function to catalog
dens1<-grid_density(output, res = 5) # Calculate for checking
The result is a catalog
containing all the chunks
which makes extremely slow further processing. The fastest way to solve this is to read the ctg
as a lasfile
) butis not suggested as the output can be unmanageable.
Following the suggested approach of @JRR I made this code. The results are not as good as with the previous code (flightlines's boundaries are still noticeable) but it takes much less time.
opt_chunk_size(ctg) <- 250
opt_chunk_buffer(ctg) <- 0
opt_output_files(ctg) <- paste0(tempfile(), "_{ID}")
myfun.LAS = function(las)
PSID <- grid_metrics(las, ~quantile(PointSourceID, probs = 0.99), 1) #obtain most represented flighline in segments of 1m^2
las <- lasmergespatial(las, PSID, "PSID") #Add a new attribute to each point of the most represented PSID in the 1m^2 segment where it is
las <- lasfilter(las, PointSourceID == PSID) #filter cloud
las$PSID <- NULL
myfun.ctg = function(cluster)
las = readLAS(cluster)
if (is.empty(las)) return(NULL)
las <- myfun.LAS(las)
output <- catalog_apply(ctg, myfun.ctg)
output <- readLAScatalog(unlist(output))