How can I get the length (brown marked part) of the "Road 7" inside the red polygon?

a busy cat

My start:

SELECT ST_Length(way)
FROM lines
WHERE road = "Road 7" AND ST_Intersects(line, polygon)

with that, I get only the total length. Someone has an idea?

2 Answers 2


It's necessary to calculate the actual intersection, e.g. http://postgis.net/docs/ST_Intersection.html

SELECT ST_Length(ST_Intersection(line,polygon)) 
  • You beat me to it. +1 this should do it. Commented Jun 12, 2012 at 11:26

An alternavite method for the mulitpoints in polygon

    sum(ST_LENGTH(ST_Intersection(tr.geom, pd.geom), false)/1000) as km
    FROM roads as tr,
    polygon as pd
    WHERE ST_Intersects(pd.geom, tr.geom);

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