I have two data frames both containing x,y GPS coordinates and I'm trying to determine if they are within a 1/4, 1/2 and 1 mile of each other. Like this:
0 Friday 40.521504 -74.623842
1 Sunday 40.957955 -74.956354
2 Saturday 40.955194 -74.992973
3 Wednesday 40.983414 -74.783138
4 Friday 40.759895 -74.939406
5 Friday 40.632494 -74.896660
6 Thursday 40.786528 -74.738685
7 Tuesday 40.586635 -74.553266
8 Tuesday 40.596116 -74.690472
9 Tuesday 40.634075 -74.857825
10 Sunday 40.898246 -74.505033
0 NaN 1000.000000 1000.000000
1 location1 40.999999 -74.999123
2 location2 40.555555 -74.666123
3 location3 40.777777 -74.777123
# Determine if coords2 are within a 1/4, 1/2 and 1 mile of coords1 :
DAY LATITUDE LONGITUDE quart_mile half_mile one_mile five_mile
0 Wednesday 40.941523 -74.527043 NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 Wednesday 40.936384 -74.575850 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 Tuesday 40.598387 -74.721645 NaN NaN NaN location2
3 Monday 40.935171 -74.638239 NaN NaN NaN NaN
4 Wednesday 40.931664 -74.896922 NaN NaN NaN NaN
5 Tuesday 40.734261 -74.828369 NaN NaN NaN location3
6 Tuesday 40.991758 -74.842690 NaN NaN NaN NaN
Right now I'm estimating how many degrees lat/lon = 1/4 mile and then checking if the points are within <= to that distance. The problem is, a 1/4 mile is different for latitude than longitude so it's very inaccurate (incidentally it turns out to be an ellipse instead of a circle). How can I use vincenty or do point in polygon with 2 data frames to do this properly?
Here is my sample attempt that produces the above output.
from geopy.distance import vincenty
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# DF1
df = pd.DataFrame({ 'DAY': np.random.choice(['Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday'], 10000),
'LATITUDE': np.random.uniform(low=40.5, high=41, size=10000),
'LONGITUDE': np.random.uniform(low=-74.5, high=-75, size=10000)})
coords = df[['LATITUDE', 'LONGITUDE']]
coords1 = coords.values[:, None].astype(float)
# DF2
data = [
['NaN', 1000, 1000],
['location1', 40.999999, -74.999123],
['location2', 40.555555, -74.666123],
['location3', 40.777777, -74.777123],
df_loc = pd.DataFrame(data[1:], columns=data[0])
coords = df_loc[['LAT', 'LON']]
coords2 = df_loc.values[None, :, 1:].astype(float)
#df_loc['lon_quart_mile_scalar'] = 1 / ((np.cos(np.radians(df_loc['LAT'])) * 69.172) / .25)
#df_loc['lat_quart_mile_scalar'] = (((np.abs(df_loc['LAT'] - 41)) * .00004139) + .00362289)
quart_mile_approx = .00362287
df['quart_mile'] = df_loc.LOCATION.iloc[(np.abs(coords1 - coords2) <= (quart_mile_approx)).all(2).argmax(1)].values
df['half_mile'] = df_loc.LOCATION.iloc[(np.abs(coords1 - coords2) <= (quart_mile_approx * 2)).all(2).argmax(1)].values
df['one_mile'] = df_loc.LOCATION.iloc[(np.abs(coords1 - coords2) <= (quart_mile_approx * 4)).all(2).argmax(1)].values
df['five_mile'] = df_loc.LOCATION.iloc[(np.abs(coords1 - coords2) <= (quart_mile_approx * 20)).all(2).argmax(1)].values
# How do I get this statement to work as a replacement for the above statements?
#df['TWO_MILE_TEST'] = df_loc.LOCATION.iloc[(vincenty(coords1, coords2).miles <= 2).all(2).argmax(1)].values
with pd.option_context('display.width', 1000, 'display.max_rows', 50):
How do I properly measure the distance between two sets of GPS coordinates using vincenty like the attempt below. Should I use df.apply?
df['TWO_MILE_TEST'] = df_loc.LOCATION.iloc[(vincenty(coords1, coords2).miles <= 2).all(2).argmax(1)].values
But it throws an error:
TypeError: __new__() takes from 1 to 4 positional arguments but 5 were given
geopy.distance.vincenty expects two parameters like this ((x,y), (x,y)).
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