I need to calculate a new field with a python conditional where some values only occur if a sequence in a separate attribute field (X) occurs.
For instance my data set looks like this. Y is the attribute I want to fill out:

ID   X  Y
1    1  - 
2    1  - 
3    0  - 
4    0  - 
5    0  - 
6    1  - 
7    1  - 
8    1  - 
9    0  - 
10   0  - 
11   1  - 

Values for Y:
If X = 1, Y = 1
If X = 0 and previous X = 1, Y = 2
If X = 0 and previous x = 0, Y = 0

So my data would look like:

ID   X  Y
1    1  1 
2    1  1 
3    0  2 
4    0  0 
5    0  0 
6    1  1 
7    1  1 
8    1  1 
9    0  2 
10   0  0
11   1  1 

I have seen previous lines stored using:

prev_X = ""

But don't know how to incorporate it into my script which looks like:

fc = r'.....'

rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(fc)

Y = 1
prev_X = ""  #<=========== DOESN'T WORK
for row in rows:
    if row.X == 1:
        Y = 1           
        row.Y = Y     

    while row.X == 0 and prev_X == 1:
        Y = 2           
        row.Y = Y     

    while row.X == 0 ande prev_X == 0:
        Y = 0
        row.Y = Y

    row.X = X

del row, rows

1 Answer 1


Instead of using while statements, I'd go with your idea of using a prevX var. The key is that you declare the variable after you know the value of X is for each turn through the loop.

By declaring prevX in each of your control structures (if or elif statement), you know what the value of X was in that loop.

This is just a nested conditional (you could accomplish this by using and between conditionals too).

fc = r'.....'
rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(fc)

for row in rows:

    if row.X == 0:
        row.Y = 1
        prevX = 0  #Now the script knows that the last value of X was 0

    elif row.X == 1:
        if prevX == 1:
            row.Y = 2
            prevX = 1 #Now the script knows that the last value of X was 1

        elif prevX == 0:
            row.Y = 0
            prevX = 0 #Now the script knows that the last value of X was 0

In your question, you didn't state what the value of Y would be if X = 0 and there was no previous value of X (i.e. if this was the first row).

  • Thanks Roy, this script works great! My first row has X = 0 so it doesn't need previous row information.
    – AlmaThom
    Commented Jun 13, 2012 at 1:10
  • 1
    Just make sure you know why it works for the future. Control structures are your friend: e-education.psu.edu/geog485/node/121
    – Roy
    Commented Jun 13, 2012 at 1:14

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