I downloaded a map in TIF format that came with the following files: a2_LOt_12.tif.vat.cpg; a2_LOt_12_v170321.tfw; a2_LOt_12_v170321.tif; a2_LOt_12_v170321.tif.aux; a2_LOt_12_v170321.tif.ovr a2_LOt_12_v170321.tif.vat.dbf; a2_LOt_12_v170321.tif (XML doc). In ArcGIS the file opens fine and I can access the attribute table: enter image description here However, I am having a tough time opening that table in R. I expected "levels()" to work, but it returns "NULL":

r <- raster("a2_LOt_12_v170321.tif")

Is there another way to access that attribute table in R?

  • The value attribute table (VAT) of ArcGIS is not usually a standard part of raster models. Since the dBase-III+ file exists in your data sample (as .tif.vat.dbf), you can likely find some way of opening it, but treating it as a natural part of the raster might not be the best process.
    – Vince
    Commented Mar 2, 2018 at 22:07

1 Answer 1


Per the raster documentation, adding 'RAT = TRUE' when reading in the file should solve your problem, so long as the .tif.aux.xml file holds category data. Demo:

options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

test <- raster(nrows = 10, ncols = 10)
test[] <- sample(1:10, 100, replace = TRUE)

test_rat <- data.frame('ID' = seq.int(10),
                       'CAT' = c('cat', 'dog', 'banana', 'ship', 'egg',
                                 'tree', 'beer', 'shoe', 'light', 'pen'))

levels(test) <- test_rat

writeRaster(test, 'C:/data/test_rat.tif', datatype = 'INT2S', overwrite = TRUE)

tested <- raster('C:/data/test_rat.tif', RAT = TRUE)

# optional:               

The tif.aux.xml generated by writeRaster above looks like:

  <PAMRasterBand band="1">

so if your file looks similar you should be fine.


If the attribute data is in a dbf, try something like this:

# read the tif in with RAT = TRUE. Should get an ID column at least in the resulting object.
data_tif <- raster(file.path(getwd(), 'a2_LOt_12_v170321.tif', RAT = TRUE)

# read the dbf in as a data frame
data_dbf <- foreign::read.dbf(file.path(getwd(), 'a2_LOt_12_v170321.tif.vat.dbf'))

Have a look at levels(data_tif)[[1]] and compare with data_dbf. Make sure number of rows matches, and look for columns in common (ID in the RAT may match VALUE in the dbf, for instance). You can then use base::merge or dplyr::left_join to append the dbf data to the RAT.

Note that write support for RATs is minimal - some advice is here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23840178/how-to-write-a-raster-with-rat-factors-in-r-raster-package

Thanks to this question for providing some data I could test with.

  • Thanks. That did not work for my case, but someone suggested me to read the attribute table individually using the package "foreign" as in: rat <- read.dbf("a2_LOt_12_v170321.tif.vat.dbf")
    – TWest
    Commented Mar 5, 2018 at 14:59
  • And then add that to the raster file. It worked for what I wanted to do.
    – TWest
    Commented Mar 5, 2018 at 15:01
  • Yes, I added that method in an edit yesterday. Glad it worked for you.
    – obrl_soil
    Commented Mar 5, 2018 at 21:05

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