I am new to programming in ArcMap, and am using ArcMap 10.5. When I use the tool Select (Extract-Analysis Tool), the result is what I expect. However, When I run the Phyton Snipped code ArcMap displays: “Parsing error SyntaxError: invalid syntax (line 1)” I have searching the web with no success. Can you tell me how to fix this error? On the other hand, I have to apply the tool 130 times to export the polygons shapes one by one. How can I include the code in a for cycle?
arcpy.Select_analysis(in_features="D:/AKKGIS/cogo_plgs/001_130_cg_plgs.shp", out_feature_class="D:/ AKKGIS/img_clips/001_clp.shp", where_clause='"ppg_id" = '001'')