Very new to R's Leaflet package and have two spatial data frames.
1) An outline of a city 2) Its major highways
I wish to show both of these on the same map. I get how to do this with ggmap or tmap. I'm little confused when it comes to Leaflet.
Here is some code that takes public data:
toronto - an outline of the city all_roads - Toronto's road network
I then view each separately with Leaflet. How do I view multiple layers from different spatial data frames on the same map?
# Read in Toronto boundaries as a spatial data frame
# WGS84 latitude and longitude
# Data:
toronto <- st_read("/Users.../torontoBoundary_wgs84/citygcs_regional_mun_wgs84.shp")
# Read in street data
# (WGS84 projection)
all_roads <- st_read("/Users.../centreline_wgs84/CENTRELINE_WGS84.shp")
# Just highways
xway <- filter(all_roads, FCODE_DESC == "Expressway")
map <- leaflet(data = hood_shp, options = leafletOptions(minZoom = 11, maxZoom = 13))
map %>% addPolygons(color = "#aaaaaa", weight = 1.0, smoothFactor = 0.5,
opacity = 1.0, fillOpacity = 0.7)
highway <- leaflet(data = xway)
highway %>% addPolygons(color = "brown", weight = 1.0, smoothFactor = 0.5,
opacity = 1.0, fillOpacity = 0.7)