Using monthly VIIRS data, I'm trying to estimate a weighted average of radiance where I want to weight by the number of cloud free days. Each image in the image collection has two bands: "avg_rad" and "cf_cvg." The below code calculates the average radiance in 2015; however, I'm wondering if there's a convenient way to calculate a weighted average, where "cf_cvg" is used as the weight.

var viirs = ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/VIIRS/DNB/MONTHLY_V1/VCMCFG');
var viirs_2015 = ee.ImageCollection(

var viirs_2015_mean = viirs_2015.reduce(ee.Reducer.mean()); 
var viirs_2015_mean_rad = viirs_2015_mean.select("avg_rad_mean")

1 Answer 1


Something like this maybe (reference):

var viirs = ee.ImageCollection('NOAA/VIIRS/DNB/MONTHLY_V1/VCMCFG');
var viirs_2015 = ee.ImageCollection(

var viirs_2015_mean = viirs_2015.reduce(ee.Reducer.sum().splitWeights())

Map.addLayer(viirs_2015_mean, {}, 'weighted')
Map.addLayer(viirs_2015.select('avg_rad').reduce('mean'), {}, 'unweighted')

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