I am working with a large(ish) shapefile containing 30,000 features. I am trying to run a zonal histogram and have been running into many problems. Running this function with the entire set of features crashes the tool. I've tried rasterizing the feature by FID but this also gets hung up and never finishes. I've written some python code that runs a zonal histogram on each feature but this has not really been finishing and is taking a long time.
I would now like to try running the tool by taking groups of 100 features and running the zonal histogram on each of those groups, outputting a uniquely named DBF file. I can then process all the DBF files in R to create one final table.
Below is my code for running the tool feature by feature. I found writing a temporary shapefile is more efficient than creating a temporary lyr file so I'd like to keep this approach. How could I adapt the code below to run in groups of 100 features?
import arcpy
import os
import os.path
from arcpy import env
from arcpy.sa import *
import gc
rasterLayer = "D:/pathToMyRaster/rasterLayer.tif"
outputDirectory = "D:/myOutputPath/"
newlayer = arcpy.mapping.Layer('D:/pathToShapefile/parcels.shp')
arcpy.env.parallelProcessingFactor = "100%"
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(newlayer,['OID@','statsZone']) as cursor:
arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap = False
for row in cursor:
tempFileName = outputDirectory+row[1]+".dbf"
sql="""{0} = {1}""".format(arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(newlayer, arcpy.Describe(
arcpy.Select_analysis(in_features=newlayer, out_feature_class=os.path.join(outputDirectory,'TempShapefile.shp'.format(row[0])),
arcpy.gp.ZonalHistogram_sa(os.path.join(outputDirectory,'TempShapefile.shp'.format(row[0])), 'statsZone', rasterLayer, outputDirectory+row[1]+".dbf", "")
del row
del row